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Never More


Never More by Dhrupad Rishav (19148) grade 12

Never More
Will there be any walking in the park...

Or any loitering on the streets
Or any roaming in bazaars!

Never More
Will you see your friends’ faces again
For every person far and wide
Will be veiled behind a mask!

Never More
Will you breathe the same again knowing
The air will never be the same!

You’re going to rot!
You’ll fall apart!
You’ll drown in soap!
You’ll lose all hope!

Never again
Will you see people!
They’ll just be blurry faces
Stuck inside an online portal!

Never more
Will there be any walking in the park
Or any loitering on the streets
Or any roaming in bazaars!

Never more
Will you breathe the same again knowing
The air will never be the same!

You’ll start to feel
and completely

You’ll become

Never Again
Will you venture out of your door
Isolation is what
The future has in store!

You’ll forget all the faces
You used to know
You’ll never see the spaces
You used to go!

No one to talk to!
Nowhere to go to!
Your mind will melt,
And your heart will freeze!

Never More
Will it be the same!
Never More!
Never More!


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