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by Dishita Goel (21169) 11G

I was born to my mother 

In a field of grass with my brothers.

And though for a day we were together, 

I knew nothing could ever be better.

It had been explained to us by our mother

That the wind would take away me and my brothers,

Then came the wind to take us away,

We left our mother behind in pain screaming, “Ayyy”.

Though the stay with my mother was only for a while ,

I never knew that much I could smile.

I flew like a bird, free,

This beautiful world I was happy to see.

The wind and I saw huge waterfalls

And crowded, crowded human malls.

I was chased by a baby deer,

I flew faster as the little creature came near.

After a while, when experiences started repeating,

The wind calmly began stating 

“The world we have seen my friend,

Our journey must come to an end.” 

The wind was asking me where I wanted to spend 

the rest of my life till the very end.

I smiled a little and said, ”The beauty of the world I had gone to see, 

Now I understand that it's with my mother that I want to be.

Around her happiness and love I feel, 

Sometimes it is the only thing that feels real”


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