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Promises to Keep


by Vyoman Jain (20158) Grade 11

Waking up at sunrise, the learner prepares for the day...


A promise of enquiry and study, with enough time set aside to play.

Working hard the entire day, patiently awaiting the time to enjoy,

The student does earn grades, but after sacrificing the time for joy.

With belly full of ambition and hunger, the worker is happy to toil,

A promise of career and life, a bit of fun after burning midnight’s oil.

Working day in and day out, the soul yearns for a vacation,

The employee amasses riches, only to lose creativity and jubilation.

Nature runs its course, the carer preps for the next round,

A promise of love and family, first sacrifice and then joys abound.

Handling bills, loans and responsibility, with dreams made of beaches to relax.

The parent always remains unsure, did I lose more love or tax?

On the eve of retirement, the once recluse turns social again,

A promise of ol’ friends and song, if only I remain healthy and sane,

Braving disease, discord and distance, accepting their fate and grieving,

Realising the promises made to oneself, are the only ones worth keeping.


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